Aflatoxin – Peanut Paste Test Kit Laboratory Profiency Testing

Sample(s) in this series: Peanut Paste

Determination: Total Aflatoxins

Test Method: Peanut Paste Test Kit


Aflatoxin – Pistachio and Almond Laboratory Proficiency Testing

Sample(s) in this series: Pistachio and Almond

Determination: Aflatoxins B₁, B₂, G₁, and G₂

Test Method: User-Specified Method


Cholesterol Laboratory Proficiency Testing

Sample(s) in this series: Desiccated Cheese Powder Desiccated Powdered Beef Desiccated Powdered Chicken Desiccated Powdered Milk Desiccated Powdered Turkey Egg Yolk Powder Mixed Whole Egg and Egg Yolk Powder Whole Egg Powder

Determination: Cholesterol

Test Method: AOAC 994.10


Cottonseed Oil Laboratory Proficiency Testing

Sample(s) in this series: Cottonseed Oil

Determination: Bleached Color, Free Fatty Acids, Moisture and Volatiles, Refined Color, Soap

Test Method: AOCS Cc 8a-52 AOCS Ca 5a-40 AOCS Ca 2b-38 AOCS Cc 13b-45 AOCS Cc 13j-97 AOCS Cc 17-95


DDGS from Corn Meal Laboratory Proficiency Testing

Sample(s) in this series: Corn Meal

Determination: Ash (Optional Test), Crude Fat, Crude Fiber, Moisture, Protein

Test Method: User-Specified Method AOAC 920.39 AOAC 945.16 AOAC 2003.06 AOAC 978.10 AOCS Ba 6a-05 (filterbag) NFTA 2.1.4 (105C/3 hr) AOAC 990.03 (Combustion) AOAC 2001.11 (Kjeldahl)