Details about the Governing Board and nominating and election process are listed below. Key documents including the Society by-laws, important policies related to membership, and Society annual reports also appear below.

2024-2025 AOCS Governing Board

President, Tony O’Lenick
SurfaTech, Lawrenceville, Georgia, USA

Vice President, Gerard Baillely
Procter & Gamble, Mason, Ohio, USA

Treasurer, Greg Hatfield
Bunge Limited, Oakville, Ontario, Canada

Secretary, Fabiola Dionisi
Societe' Des Produits Nestlé - Nestlé Research, Lausanne, Vaud, Switzerland

Immediate Past President, Grant Mitchell
Salas O’Brien, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA

Member-at-Large, Tom Brenna
University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas, USA

Member-at-Large, Supratim Gosh
University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Canada

Member-at-Large, Roger Nahas
Kalsec, Kalamazoo, Michigan, USA

Member-at-Large, Shawn Pan
Bunge Limited, St. Charles, Missouri, USA

Member-at-Large, Rajan Panandiker
Panandiker Consulting, West Chester, Ohio, USA

Member-at-Large, Bruce Patsey
Oil-Dri Corporation of America, Chicago, Illinois, USA

Member-at-Large, Rick Theiner
Evonik Corporation, Richmond, Virginia, USA

Member-at-Large, Tong (Toni) Wang
University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tennessee, USA

Member-at-Large, Chibuike Udenigwe
University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Member-at-Large, Bryan Yeh
Canary Renewables, Walnut Creek, California, USA

Member-at-Large, Holiday Durham Zanetti
Nutrilite Health Institute, Amway, Global Center of Excellence, Innovation and Science, Nutrition Product Development, Buena Park, California, USA

Chief Executive Officer, Patrick Donnelly
, ex officio, AOCS, Illinois, USA

Governing Board Committees

The Governing Board has established the following committees composed of Society members to administer and carry out specific activities. Download the full list of committees and responsibilities.

AOCS Governing Board Nominating Process

The AOCS Nominating & Election Committee is responsible for developing a slate of candidates for election to the Governing Board in accordance with the Society’s policies. The Committee evaluates information submitted by applicants and interviews top candidates believed to be the best fit based on current needs of the Society. The Committee recommends a slate of candidates to the Governing Board for approval at their fall meeting.

In December, the final slate of candidates is presented to the AOCS membership for ratification by February. Candidates receiving more than 50% support from ballots cast will be installed as new members of the Governing Board during its meeting that takes place during the next AOCS Annual Meeting & Expo.

Join the Governing Board

An AOCS Governing Board Application should be completed by any AOCS member who wishes to serve on the AOCS Governing Board. Interested members should review the position summary and requirements and submit an online application.

Applications will be provided to members of the AOCS Nominating and Election Committee for consideration. Completion of this form does not, in any way, guarantee service on the AOCS Governing Board.

Applicants should also read and understand the AOCS By-Laws and Code of Ethics.

Key Documents



AOCS By-Laws.pdf
AOCS Procedures Related to Suspension or Termination of Membership

Code of Ethics

The AOCS does not discriminate against anyone seeking membership, so long as he/she is willing to adhere to the AOCS Code of Ethics. This Code has been adopted by the AOCS to define the rules of professional conduct for its members; it is signed by each applicant as a condition of membership.

AOCS Code of Ethics
AOCS Code of Conduct for Conferences and Events
AOCS Statement on Diversity and Inclusion

Antitrust Policy

The American Oil Chemists' Society (the "Society") intends to strictly comply with antitrust laws of the United States, all state governments and any other relevant governing authority (the "Antitrust Laws"), and in furtherance of this intention, proclaims the following Antitrust Policy:

AOCS Antitrust Policy

Transparency in Coverage Rule

For AOCS employees: to access the machine-readable files created and published by UnitedHealthcare, please click here.

AOCS Strategic Plan

AOCS Strategic Plan through 2024

Annual Reports