Approved by the AOCS Governing Board on August 5, 2019


In accordance with the AOCS Bylaws, membership in the Society may be suspended or terminated for cause. Sufficient grounds for cause to suspend or terminate membership include, but are not limited to, a violation of the Bylaws, Code of Ethics or any rule or practice of the Society, or any other conduct prejudicial to the interests of the Society. The term suspension refers to the temporary removal of rights and privileges granted to members of the Society. The term termination refers to ending one’s membership in the Society on a permanent basis.

Formation of a Disciplinary Review Committee (DRC)

Upon receiving information related to a violation of the Bylaws, Code of Ethics or any rule or practice of the Society, or any other conduct prejudicial to the interests of the Society by a member, the Governing Board will form an ad hoc Disciplinary Review Committee (DRC). The Chair of the DRC will be the Vice President. Members of the DRC will include three Past-Presidents and the CEO.

Consideration Process

The DRC shall inform the member who is the subject of the complaint of the receipt and nature of the charges.

The member who is the subject of the charges will have an opportunity to be heard through a written submission or hearing.

The charges and the response will be considered by the DRC.

The DRC will forward its written recommendation for final action to the Governing Board. The DRC may recommend to institute no penalty, to give a warning, to suspend the member’s AOCS membership for a set period, or terminate the member’s AOCS membership.

The Governing Board will consider recommendation of the DRC and approve, reject, or modify the recommendation of the DRC.

Special Rules Regarding Suspension or Termination

If the DRC recommends suspension or termination of membership, or if the Governing Board proposes to modify the recommendation of the DRC to include suspension or termination, special rules apply, in accordance with the AOCS Bylaws.

Suspension or termination requires affirmative vote of two-thirds of the entire Governing Board, provided that a statement of the charges has been sent to the member by certified mail to the last recorded address of the member at least thirty (30) days before final action is to be taken.

The statement of charges must be accompanied by a notice of the time and place of the Governing Board meeting at which the charges will be considered, and the member may appear in person and/or be represented by counsel in order to present any defense to such charges before the Governing Board takes final action.

All rights, privileges and interests of a member in the Society cease upon the termination of membership.

Publish Date or Last Revised
October 29, 2024


  • Governance
