In the present context, the term edible oil processing covers the range of industrial processes that start with the isolation of triglyceride oils and fats from raw materials of biological origin. This range includes those refining processes that convert the crude oil into high quality oil products that are fit for human consumption and also the oil modification processes that ensure that the physical properties of the fats and oils meet market requirements at minimal cost. The production of oleochemicals and biodiesel are not considered in this section, nor are the disposal of by-products or waste products. The planned contents are –

1.   Production of Triglyceride Oils

  • 1.1. Production of animal oils and fats
    • 1.1.1. Marine oils (Anthony P. Bimbo, Consultant)
    • 1.1.2. Animal Fats (Martin Alm, European Fat Processors and Renderers Association)
  • 1.2. Production of fruit oils
    • 1.2.1. Olive oil (Diego L. García-González & Ramón Aparício, Instituto de la Grasa)
    • 1.2.2. Palm oil (Siew Wai-Lin, Malaysian Palm Oil Board)

2.   Refining of Triglyceride Oils

  • 2.2. Alkali refining (Robert Zeldenrust, GEA Westfalia Separator Group GmbH)
  • 2.3. Bleaching
  • 2.4 Deodorization (Wim De Greyt, Desmet-Ballestra Group S.A.)

3.  Modification of Triglyceride Oils

Most authors contributing to the Processing sub-site of The Lipid Library work or have worked in industry. Their hands-on experience is reflected in their contributions. As with other sub-sites of The AOCS Lipid Library, the online nature of these contributions allows them to be conveniently updated to reflect advances in the field.

Publish Date or Last Revised
November 20, 2024

Resource Type

  • Lipid Library


  • Edible Oil Processing
  • Processing
