Patents provide a snapshot of current research activity in the Oils and Fats industry and may indicate future trends in the development of the industry. Those listed here are culled from a large number issued each month. The selection has been made by Scott Bloomer, a registered US patent agent with Archer Daniels Midland Co. Patents are selected to represent the interests of a broad range of AOCS members; however, there is an inevitable element of subjectivity in the choice. Topics included in the list are based on the Divisions of the AOCS and the topical sessions held at the AOCS annual meetings.
Patents will be listed here at intervals soon after they are published in INFORM. In addition we include an archive of past patent information from Inform, which ultimately will be in a searchable format.
At the moment, the selection is made from US patents only from the website for the United States Patent and Trademark Office. Suggestions for additional topics or overlooked patents are welcome.
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