Item Details
The Nutritional Labeling series contains eight (8) routine samples (samples 01 through 08).
Samples and Timing
1st quarter samples: Whole Milk Powder and Infant Formula
2nd quarter samples: Dessert Ingredient I Chocolate Pudding/Beverage and Dessert Ingredient II Powdered Chocolate
3rd quarter samples: Cheese Powder and Egg Powder
4th quarter samples: Mayonnaise and Salad Dressing
Determinations and Test Methods
Fatty Acid Composition | Ce 1j-07
Minerals* | AOAC 985.35 or 984.27
Total Fat | User-Specified
Total Protein | User-Specified
Vitamin A* | AOAC 992.04 or 992.06
Vitamin D* | AOAC 992.26
Vitamin E* | AOAC 992.03
*Optional test
Samples in this Series
- Cheese Powder
- Dessert Ingredient I Chocolate Pudding/Beverage
- Dessert Ingredient II Powdered Chocolate
- Infant Formula
- Egg Powder
- Mayonnaise
- Salad Dressing
- Whole Milk Powder
- 1st Quarter
- 2nd Quarter
- 3rd Quarter
- 4th Quarter
- Fatty Acid Composition
- Minerals (Optional Test)
- Total Fat
- Total Protein
- Vitamin A (Optional Test)
- Vitamin D (Optional Test)
- Vitamin E (Optional Test)
Test Method
- AOCS Ce 1j-07
- AOAC 985.35
- AOAC 984.27
- User-Specified Method
- User-Specified Method
- AOAC 992.04
- AOAC 992.06
- AOAC 992.26
- AOAC 992.03
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Sample(s) in this series: Desiccated Cheese Powder Desiccated Powdered Beef Desiccated Powdered Chicken Desiccated Powdered Milk Desiccated Powdered Turkey Egg Yolk Powder Mixed Whole Egg and Egg Yolk Powder Whole Egg Powder
Determination: Cholesterol
Test Method: AOAC 994.10