The Hans Kaunitz Award recognizes students conducting research related to fats, oils and detergent technology.

What does the recipient receive?

  • Certificate
  • US $1,000 honorarium
  • Up to a $500 travel allowance
  • Opportunity to present an award lecture at the AOCS Annual Meeting

Who is eligible?

Graduate students attending a university within the United States who have:

  • been actively involved in research dealing with fats, oils, proteins, surfactants and related materials, with a high aptitude for research
  • not previously received the Hans Kaunitz Award

How do I nominate someone?

Login to the Awards Portal to submit the following application materials by October 14.

  • Complete application questions using the Awards Portal
  • Letter of support from the major advisor
  • Major Advisor Ranking Form (.docx) prepared by the major advisor
  • At least one letter of recommendation from an individual familiar with the candidate’s accomplishments
  • Copy of current university/college transcript showing courses and grades
  • Detailed Curriculum Vitae which includes education, work and training experiences, awards, and a full list of publications and scientific/technical meeting presentations
  • Abstract submitted for the current year’s AOCS Annual Meeting

Most Recent Recipient
