AOCS Advertising Opportunities

Let us help you optimize your marketing efforts and your budget with a targeted advertising package designed to fit your company.

Why advertise with AOCS?

  • AOCS provides a targeted audience within the fats and oils industry
  • AOCS offers a variety of print and online advertising, plus exhibit, and sponsorship opportunities
  • Your audience relies on AOCS
    • AOCS is an established authority with more than 100 years of history
    • Professionals worldwide count on AOCS to keep current with news, standards and industry trends
    • AOCS provides reliable scientific, technical and industry information on all aspects of fats and oils

Download a PDF of the media kit.

2023 Media KitContact
Travis Skodack, Director, Membership
Phone: +1 217-693-4897


INFORM is distributed to more than 4,000 members representing over 2,000 companies in 92 countries.  Ensure your message reaches your target audience by advertising in INFORM. Download a PDF of the Rate sheet.

2023 INFORM editorial calendar


Advertising opportunities include

  • Exhibits
  • Meeting program advertising
  • Sponsorships

Explore current opportunities.

Online Opportunities

AOCS Newsletter
Place a banner ad that reaches over 25,000 professionals in the fats and oils industry.  View January 2018 newsletter.

AOCS Website
Place your 360 x 280 advertisment on the AOCS homepage. Additional spaces are available throughout the website. View homepage.

INFORM SmartBrief
This weekly news brief  is emailed to over 10,000 subscribers with an interest in the fats and oils industry. View SmartBrief.

Lipid Library
The online source of information on lipid science and technology. Visit Lipid Library.